Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Forrester confirms that personalized video

Forrester confirms that personalized video has been proven to increase click through rates by up to 985% and when prospects see their face on your videos they’ll be impressed. So impressed they'll practically be begging to sign up for your offer. Personalized video marketing makes a LONG LASTING impression—meaning you’ll make tons more sales. Proven.

Video Personalization technology is used by some of the biggest brands on the planet including: McDonalds, AT&T, Dominos, Nike, Red Bull and even Playboy. It is EFFECTIVE and PROFITABLE. Until now, it’s been out of the reach of independent marketers like you because it WAS expensive AND complicated. Thanks to GO - It’s now quick, easy, and an INSANELY good value!

Other Resources:
Video Remix Go Upsell
Video Remix Go OTO
Go By VideoRemix OTO